Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ray Gleason and Cuthbert???

Hi everyone! (the 1 or 2 of you that know about this place, LOL)

Take a look at this antique publication I found while I was going through some boxes of fun junk.


What a positively bizarre illustration. I LOVE it! I think this came from my grandmother's house many years ago when it was being cleaned out for her to move in with my folks. It's a wonderfully odd little gem I saved from the trash bin!

By the way...can someone explain the first gag to me on page 49? “Cuthbert?” Huh? What!?? I think it’s just too sophisticated for me. Actually I don’t really get the second gag either! I love the graphics though!


The drawing looks like it’s signed by a Ray Gleason. I wonder who the heck that is? Maybe I’ll go Wiki him!

OK...I just looked up Ray Gleason in Wikipedia and the first result was a movie from 1994 called “Getting Even with Dad” a comedy starring Macaulay Culkin and Ted Danson. The film “ did not perform well at the box office. Also, it received negative reception from a few critics.” Personally I think Ted Danson looks like a gorilla and Macaulay Culkin has created his own special brand of “insufferable.”

Seriosuly...I looked all over the Internet, even on ebay and Amazon couldn't find ANYTHING about him! I just submitted this question to YAHOO Answers...

"I have a very old book here maybe from the 20s or 30s with great cartoon illustrations in it by a Ray Gleason. The book is called "Wet & Dry Jokes." Anyone out there know who Ray Gleason is or is he an artist that the world has completely forgotten?"

Hey, you never know maybe someone will have some information. I don't know why I get so curious about these things!

Well that’s it from me for now! I’m gonna go do some reading on the history of Bazooka Joe and have a cup of coffee. Hey for me that’s an exciting Friday night!
